
Showing posts from October, 2015

Almost Missed It!

Tonight was family movie night. Toward the end, I had all three girls cuddling with me and I thought “I don’t slow down and do this nearly enough.” Yet, 5 minutes later I’m rushing to get laundry away and harping on the girls to get their rooms picked up and their jammies on. Lydia says, “hey Mom” and comes into my room with a smile on her face like she has something really important to say. But instead of stopping what I was doing and listening to her, I shushed her and told her to finish picking up her room. She walked away without a word. The second I did it, that voice in my head chided me and told me to stop and go listen. Because she had a pep in her step, a smile on her face and it was important to her. So, I went and sat on her bed while she sat on her floor, picking up her things like I asked. I asked her what it was she wanted to tell me and for a moment, she hesitated and didn’t look at me. I had pushed her away once; I don’t blame her one bit for being skittish in