
Showing posts from October, 2017


This summer, Jon and I took the girls to their first outdoor concert. I preface the following by saying Jon will never lose his law enforcement training and having three young girls, he is hyper-vigilant when we are in large crowds. That night, halfway through the set, a young man seemed to sneak out of nowhere and stood right by us with an overly stuffed large backpack. At first, there was no one with him and he did not seem to move a muscle, no real eye contact with people, did not say hi... Now me, I initially did not think much of it but Jon got a little concerned. As my awareness piqued so did my concern, enough that I am not ashamed to say I seriously considered we leave. Jon did strike up a conversation with the kid. (Yes, Jon was friendly but I know my husband enough to know that underneath it was also an inquisitive, fact-finding conversation.) I am thankful that my husband is in tune to things this way as I am kind of a rose colored glasses want to believe that everyon