
Showing posts from April, 2019

A Thousand Goodbyes

For quite a while, many Tuesday’s have been Grandpa day. Lydia had just started school so she missed out on coming with Mom to spend time with Grandpa so Grandma could work. But, Bethany came for a year and then Rachel has been doing this with Mom since the beginning. We moved Dad into memory care the middle of February. The time had come not only for Dad, but the toll it is taking on my Mom has never stopped worrying me. That morning, before helping move Dad’s stuff I said goodbye to a family friend who left this world too soon.   And in the moment, adrenaline and denial and maybe, by God’s grace, a little bit of strength helped to push through that day. While that works, and sometimes is necessary to get through life, at some point you can’t keep pushing through. Dementia steals memories, moments and just so many things. Today is Tuesday. Rachel knows it is Tuesday. She had a rough morning and I couldn’t figure out why. Until I sat her down and waited patiently for her to t