
Showing posts from September, 2019

A Light Went Out

One of the things I’ve yet to write about is what happened with Dad’s job when we first started discovering Dad had dementia. I haven’t written about this part of the story because it hurts; it felt like betrayal. Yet, I am realizing it is a part of the story I have been holding too tight for too long; it is a part of the story that has been holding me captive for too long. There comes a time when you need to name it, face it, forgive it, and lay it down. I’m working on it… The journey for Dad to become a pastor was not easy for our family. He commuted 1 ½ hours to seminary, money was tight, and we traveled around to different churches. When Dad was ordained and installed, I was finishing high school, deciding on a college, etc… We were fortunate that we didn’t have to move and in a time that felt a bit chaotic, I felt we now had a church to call home. For several years, I was one of the organists and my sister and I traded accompanying for the choir. I was thankful to have a job