
Showing posts from April, 2015

Photo-A-Day (100)

[photo of a photo] This one was had me stuck. When I finally decided which photo to use I realized I should probably ask permission since it's a photo of my parents. (And if they're actually reading this blog I'm sorry I didn't ask, but it's a great picture and here's the reason why I chose this photo...) My parents are strong, caring people. They have worked hard and sacrificed so much for my siblings and me. I am eternally grateful for how much they've supported me, endured the not so good sides of me, and just plain loved me. I'm a lucky daughter. I was practicing with the natural light in our window and as I was taking pictures, my girls were walking by and I realized the glass was catching their reflection. I am amazed at how much of my parents I see in my girls and that makes me smile. What blessings...

Photo-A-Day (99)

[a collection] Today I practiced with a creative filter. As I looked around the living room trying to decide on a collection, my music books caught my eye. I have other collections, but my piano books mean a lot to me. I literally carried many of these books on my back during my college years. Long walks to practice rooms, long nights in practice rooms. (Usually they were stifling hot practice rooms!) My hymnals and organist editions were gifts to me from grandparents and I can't even explain how much those mean to me. I know I will have them until the day I die. Some are books my parents had for years and while I'm pretty sure I asked permission to have them, they just ended up following me around and I still have them. I've used these books in my teaching and now my girls are using some of them. I know this is just a season in my life, but it's a season where I'm not playing as much as I like. Someday, this collection will be added to and overused!

Photo-A-Day (98)

[ground level] I feel like a couple of these themes are repeats, but I don't mind. Today was a cold, rainy day so we did body tracing and the girls got to color them in on the floor. Perfect opportunity to get on their level. I'm starting to test taking pictures in shutter priority mode. Obviously needs work, but that's what this project is all about.

Photo-A-Day: (97)

[green] I already had this theme last month and went with a plant. So while I contemplated taking a picture of my daffodils making their way through the ground, I was inspired by something else tonight. This little green cup is part of our bath time ritual. Yes, just used for rinsing hair, but the reason it's important to me is because I love bath night! There's something about water that's so therapeutic so I especially love bath night after those tough, long days. I really feel a cleansing of sorts. A time to wash the day away and get ready for a new one. Plus, the laughter and smiles from the girls makes me so happy!

Photo-A-Day: 96

[rounded] I knew there was a reason for my optimistically low expectations of my photo-a-day project. Right now I'm lucky if I get one or two photos a week. But, better than nothing right? So, in the spirit of this past Easter weekend I have a photo of the eggs that we colored. The rings on this purple egg were purely accidental. Nothing special that we did, it's just how it turned out. I'm finding I like taking macro photos.

Photo-A-Day: 92

[shine] Slowly getting back to a normal routine after being sick for several days. I'm only wishing I would have had the camera out the other day when it was 70 degrees and the subject was fun. Regardless, we did get outside yesterday despite cooler temperatures. The sun still made it worth it to be outside for much of the day. I had a totally different picture in mind until I sat at the picnic table with Bethany as she was dumping sand everywhere. As she did that, the sun would hit and little flecks would reflect the sun and shine.