
Showing posts from July, 2021

Lost and Found

You would be hard pressed to find anyone who loses a loved one and doesn't feel untethered; life a bit like an unmoored ship. It seems pretty damn near impossible to not feel lost after loss. I hate the untethered feeling. I mean, who doesn't? We humans like to be in control.  Even when I've read so much over these years about how there is no timeline for grief, I unknowingly and yet knowingly put myself on a timeline. The kind which tells me I should "be over" Dad's death by now. My mind has wanted to breeze past the heartache I still feel. My mind detaches when the girls still feel sad and I try to be strong for them. I've numbed out with busy-ness, the list goes on.  The thing is, my heart knows I will never "be over" losing such a loving force in my life. So often, my Dad was an anchor to my unmoored ship.  As this ship of mine has been aimlessly wandering, I'm learning it's one thing to name all that's been lost (and even t